Developing your Gifts

Developing your Gifts

Genevieve Robson is a Medium and Healer based in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK. Her passion is to support people to develop their abilities to work with energy. She works to empower her students to unfold their own unique gifts. This is done primarily to help her students and then to enable them to serve their wider communities. She believes that by working on ourselves we are then in a better position to help others. She understand how difficult it can be when you first experience a spiritual awakening, or grow up as a natural Clairvoyant. 

“My mediumship development was not always easy with my spiritual awakening happening at the age of 13 years old. For me this was quite jarring because I was perceiving ghosts, having astral travelling experiences, and connecting to my past lives. As you can imagine this was overwhelming for me at that young age. I subsequently shutdown my gifts because I didn't have anybody to guide me. My mother had, had similar experiences, but unfortunately she was not in a position to help me understand what was happening to me during this time.

At the age of 22 I found myself wanting to develop my mediumship. I went to a spiritualist church in Southampton for Mediumship development. It was here that I started to learn how to switch my Mediumship on and off and to set my intent as to what I wanted to experience. It can be overwhelming at first if fledgling Mediums pick up on ailments and emotions of others, people in spirit, the energy of buildings and the land etc”. 

Genevieve now supports students with developing their spiritual gifts and helps them to set their intent as to what they want to perceive. She helps them to unpick their fears of working with spirit, as well as helping them to discover their own set of unique gifts whilst protecting their own energies. "Once people understand their Mediumship and Healing abilities, they can see what an asset they can be." Genevieve now feels very blessed that she has these wonderful abilities and feels very blessed to be able to help others develop theirs. She also appreciates that each student has their own unique abilities such as channelling writing, creating spiritual artwork, mediumship readings, healing, as well as working in altered states such as trance.

Genevieve feels that it is important daily practice for healers to heal themselves and Mediums to tune in to their guidance, so that they can be better channels. In addition to this, she feels that it also benefits us greatly if we can go to other Mediums and Healers from time to time. She believes we are meant to work in a community of like-minded souls instead of being alone. Lightworkers have a responsibility to ensure that they come from a heart centred place when they serve their communities.

During Genevieve’s work as a Medium, she has identified the fears and limiting beliefs people have regarding developing their mediumship and healing. When supporting others to develop, she encourages then to follow set protocols such as spiritual protection, sitting in their power, grounding, clearing their own energy and setting intent to be the foundations of their practice. As her students develop, she supports them to look at the blocks and fears they may have and how they can work to overcome these. 


Genevieve delivers her teaching in a fun and innovative way by gently encouraging her students out of their comfort zones so they can reach for their potential. Genevieve also shares her own personal stories and experiences with people to encourage them.

Genevieve writes “I am so grateful to have been aware of my Guides, loved ones in spirit and Angels. They have helped, guided and healed me over the years. I only hope I can support others to become aware of theirs.”  

For more information or to join one of Genevieve's development groups you can contact her directly at:


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