Energy Clearing!

Energy Clearing!

What is your Aura?

Your aura is an energy field that surrounds your physical body. It can pick up on energy, emotions, intentions of others and negative vibrations left within buildings or locations. It is therefore highly affected by who, and where you interact with. 

Being surrounded by negative people and their energies can really affect how you feel. There really are energy vampires! You may feel drained, anxious and irritable and this will also affect your immune system. 

Clearing Negative Energies from You!

Do you clear your energy? Do you know how to? 

There are many ways to cleanse your aura of the negativity you may have collected on the way. Here are a few ideas to assist you. 

Sound Healing

There is a lot of research regarding sound healing and how it can affect our physical body as well as our aura. You Tube have some great videos to clear yourself as well as your home. They are also free and a pretty convenient way of doing so too! Find a binaural beats video that resonates with you and you can play this within the home. You can also get comfy and sit down with a Tibetan Singing bowl and the vibrational energy from this also helps cleanse your aura as well as the room you are in. 

Smudging & Clearing Sprays

New Forest Mystic creates small hand made batches of crystal infused Clearing Smudge Spray. What is great about our spray is that it contains both Palo Santo and White Sage which makes it a powerful clearing tool. Our spray can not only be used to clear your energy field but you can also use it to clear your home, car and work area to improve the vibrations there too! And unlike a smudge stick, it won't set off your fire alarm!


Crystals are another tool to help clear your energy field of those bad vibes! Selenite is great stone for cleansing and is widely used for producing charging plates for other crystals. Selenite is an ideal crystal to have next to your bed to banish bad dreams and can assist the cleansing process while you sleep and relax. It is a highly spiritual stone that assists you when trying to connect to your higher self. 

Black Tourmaline is also a great stone to use as it absorbs and deflects negative energies. It is also useful as it absorbs and protects against pollution, radiation and EMFs. Ancient magicians used to use this stone to protect from evil spirits!

Pyrite creates a protective shield around its wearer from negative energy. It is a grounding stone and reflects back any negative energy being sent your way! Whether keeping you safe from emotional vamps or protecting you from psychic attacks, cutting through negative vibrations, clearing EMF smog or simply stopping those toxic thought patterns from running through your head, Pyrite is ever eager to keep you pure. 

Sea Salt Bathing

Sea salt bathing is an amazing way to cleanse yourself. Swimming in the sea or taking a salt bath filled with uplifting essential oils are both great ways to cleanse your aura and bring about a feeling of calm and serenity.

The sea is obviously free and a great way of cleansing and getting that feel good factor! All over the UK there are swimming groups that can provide an aspect of safety during swimming within a group and the camararderie of cold swimming in the winter months can be fun. 

If you prefer your sea salt warm, in a relaxing bath with essentials oils, this is also a great way to cleanse your aura! New Forest Mystic has created an indulgent Self Love Bath Salts using the finest Himalayan sea salt! In addition to this the bath salts include rosewood, rose germanium and vanilla with added rose buds and a heart shaped rose quartz crystal to add to that feeling of comfort, indulgence and relaxation. 

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