Energy Protection

Energy Protection

We are all energetically sensitive and sometimes our higher self or our aura will try to warn us of negative vibrations in people, places or situations. Ever felt that funny gut feeling?

I have mentioned our auras in a previous blog but if you can imagine your aura surrounding you like a coloured cloud which is oval in shape and moves with you. You aura acts like an extra feeling sense to anything in close contact with you. With practice you can pull your aura in closer to you, to avoid feeling peoples vibrations when you need to. When you work closely with other people, for instance, being a nurse or a massage therapist, you are working within other peoples auras and these can really affect how you feel. Even though they cannot help it, other people’s energies can drain you as well as making you feel poorly. If you are feeling this resonates with you, please look into how you can protect your energies.

Daily practices for protection


When you are in the shower, imagine as the water is running down your body, this water is cleansing you of all negative energies. This water is not only washing over your body, but also pouring into the top of your head and cleansing you inside as well as out. If you do not have a shower, you can also imagine you are standing under a waterfall.


Grounding into Earth’s energies can be done in various ways. Walking barefoot on the grass, swimming in the sea and also by meditation. Sit somewhere quiet and comfortable and imagine tree roots growing from the souls of your feet. Really visualise these roots penetrating deep into the Earth, far and wide. Imagine there is a crystal at the centre of the earth (choose your own crystal or if you are not aware of particular crystals, a colour will do). Some of your roots are wrapping around and anchoring you to this crystal. The energies from the crystal are travelling up these roots, towards the soles of your feet. Then from the souls of your feet, they travel up your body, bringing with it the crystal energy, up your spine over your head and down your limbs. This energy is restorative, revitalising and cleansing. Your imagination is your tool here and you can imagine this energy carrying out all sorts of processes.



Once you have cleansed and grounded it is now time to put your protection in place. Imagine you are stepping into a protective bubble. This bubble is completely impenetrable to anything other than love, healing energy and divine messages.


Additional Visualisations

In times of distress or where you feel you are being really negatively affected by someone’s ill intentions, in addition to the above you can ask Archangel Michael to wrap his wings around you for comfort and additional protection.

You can also ask your guides to assist you in raising your vibration. Ask your guides to gather around your protective bubble and ask them to fill your body with bright white energy. Ask them to raise your vibration to the highest possible vibration your human vessel can manage. 


Protecting your home.

You can also put walls of protective energy around your home. Imagine bright blue energetic walls of energy around the perimeter of your home and garden. Make sure you visualise this energetic protection above your home as well as below, as if your home is in an energetic protective box. You can also add extra protection by placing crystals such as Shungite, Jet or Obsidian in each corner of your home both upstairs and downstairs. 

For extra information on energy clearing please see our other previous blog entries.

Much Love


New Forest Mystic

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