What is Energy Healing?

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing works on mind, body and spirit, as we are all spirits having a human existence. Everyone has an aura, or energy field that surrounds the human body and this can be affected by life!

We all have energy centres or chakras, and although there are 7 main ones on the Meridian Line in our centre, there are hundreds around and through us, including our palms! 

Negative experiences such as illness, trauma, stress, grief, bereavement, exhaustion and injury can all impact the body and the surrounding energy field. Deep-rooted problems from many years back can all also be helped with healing. Old hurts and sorrow can still impact on our current lives and the effects often manifest in physical ailments and insomnia.

Some people reading this might never have benefitted from energy healing, or even heard of it, so here is it what is not!

It is not invasive and it is not harmful and it comes from a place of love!
It is done with a client fully-clothed or by distance. I don’t have to touch your body and I go by a client’s wishes and what they feel comfortable with. 

Everything in the universe is energy; everything! So, when a healer channels universal energy for healing, whether Reiki, Angelic Healing or any other energy healing, they are just acting as someone bringing that energy to the client. It is always channelled with love and for the highest good of all present. Many healers work with specific energies such as Reiki, or with Angels, or have been attuned to other loving energies.

If it is very deeply buried issue or even forgotten about, it can take a few sessions to clarify the cause of the problem, but the results can be amazing.

If you are interested in knowing more or coming for a healing, I would love to hear from you. My name is Lorna and I run Heartfelt Healing Chichester. I love people, and helping them find peace and equilibrium in their lives. I especially understand bereavement and those who are, or have been carers, but all clients are treated with the same level of care. You can message me at Heartfelt Healing Chichester on facebook. I will get back in 24 hours. Do follow me for helpful posts! I post several times daily.


Love and blessings,

Lorna xxx


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